Donald Trump predikte tijdens zijn verkiezingscampagne een meer naar binnen gerichte politiek voor de Verenigde Staten... "America First": terughalen van de werkgelegenheid uit de lage loonlanden; beperken van de immigratie en verbeteren van de verwaarloosde infrastructuur van het land. Voor zijn immigratiebeperkingsdecreten werd hij regelmatig door de diverse gerechtshoven teruggefloten. Zijn ontkenning van de klimaatverandering veroorzaakt door broeikasgassen toonde hij door het weer openen van de kolenmijnen. Over de verbetering van de infrastructuur hebben we nog niets gehoord.

Wat hem heeft bewogen om zijn "beleid" 180 graden te doen draaien en zich intensief met de buitenlandse politiek te gaan bemoeien is voor een ieder een raadsel. Maar van de een op de andere dag werden, onder het voorwendsel dat Assad verantwoordelijk was voor de gifgas aanval, 59 raketten richting Syrië gestuurd en moest een deel van de Amerikaanse vloot naar Noord Korea opstomen.

Daar bleef het niet bij ook de zgn. privé luchtmacht van de president de C.I.A. drones werden  meer ingezet, een luchtmacht die Trump aan zijn voorganger te danken heeft. Deze drone liquidaties maken het voor het publiek volstrekt oncontroleerbaar wie de bozerikken  en wie
de onschuldige slachtoffers zijn, de zo geheten collateral damage.
The Obama administration has insisted that drone strikes are so “exceptionally surgical and precise” that they pluck off terror suspects while not putting “innocent men, women and children in danger”.
This claim has been contested by numerous human rights groups, however, and the Bureau’s figures on civilian casualties also demonstrate that this is often not the case. The White House released long-awaited figures last July on the number of people killed in drone strikes between January 2009 and the end of 2015, an announcement which insiders said was a direct response to pressure from the Bureau and other organisations that collect data. However the US’s estimate of the number of civilians killed – between 64 and 116 – contrasted strongly with the number recorded by the Bureau, which at 380 to 801 was six times higher.

Ook in Wikipedia worden niet zulke  rooskeurige getallen gemeld.
According to the Long War Journal, which follows US anti-terror developments, as of mid-2011, drone strikes in Pakistan since 2006 had killed 2,018 militants and 138 civilians. The New America Foundation stated in mid-2011 that from 2004 to 2011, 80% of the 2,551 people killed in the strikes were militants. The Foundation stated that 95% of those killed in 2010 were militants and that, as of 2012, 15% of the total people killed by drone strikes were either known civilians or unknown. The Foundation also states that in 2012 the rate of known civilian and unknown casualties was 2 percent, whereas the Bureau of Investigative Journalism say the rate of civilian casualties for 2012 is 9 percent. The Bureau, based on extensive research in mid-2011, claims that at least 385 civilians were among the dead, including more than 160 children. The Obama administration estimated in June 2016 that US drone strikes under Obama had killed 64 individuals conclusively determined to be non-combatants, in addition to 52 individuals whose status remained in doubt.
It has been reported that 160 children have died from UAV-launched attacks in Pakistan and that over 1,000 civilians have been injured. Moreover, additional reporting has found that known militant leaders have constituted only 2 percent of all drone-related fatalities. These sources run counter to the Obama administration's claim that "nearly for the past year there hasn't been a single collateral death" due to UAV-based attacks.
The New America Foundation estimates that for the period 2004-2011, the non-militant fatality rate was approximately 20%.

Waarom zijn deze Drone aanvallen volstrekt onacceptabel?
- Het zijn standrechtelijke executies, verboden door de derde Geneefse Conventie. 
- Een niet onaanzienlijk aantal onschuldige mensen zijn het slachtoffer.
- Wanneer de executies in Pakistan gebeuren wordt de soevereiniteit van dat land geschonden.

NB. Een land dat het woord "Mensenrechten" in de mond durft te nemen!

De haat tegen het Westen wordt met deze acties enorm aangewakkerd. Wij het Westen wordt geïdentificeerd met de Verenigde Staten, repercussies zullen ook voor ons bestemd zijn.

US Drone Strike Kills Seven in North Waziristan
Slain Believed to Have Been Linked to Pakistani Taliban  - by Jason Ditz, April 27, 2017
Once incredibly commonplace, US drone strikes against Pakistan’s tribal areas have become infrequent in the last couple of years, with the drone program having largely shifted to attacks in Yemen instead. Today, however, a US drone attacked a target in North Waziristan, near the Afghan border, killing seven.
The slain reportedly included a man named Abdur Rahman, believed to be a commander of the Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP). The other six were unidentified, but claimed to have been linked to the TTP by Pakistani officials.
The Pakistani Taliban denied this, however, saying that while some TTP fighters were among the slain, the US strike had also killed three civilian laborers in the same area. The US has not publicly discussed the incident yet, which means it was likely a CIA drone strike, as the Pentagon virtually always confirms their strikes.
North and South Waziristan remain major hubs of Pakistani militant activity, as historically the government has been able to exert only limited control over the tribal populations, and have faced major resistance whenever they’ve tried to bring them more directly under control of the central government.

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