Op vrijdag kijk ik uit naar de wekelijkse column van Uri Avnery.
Een wijs man met een uitgesproken visie over de gebeurtenissen in Israël en de relatie van dat land met zijn omgeving en vooral met de Verenigde Staten. Een man die niet van wijken weet! Een wijsheid en volharding die telkenmale in zijn artikelen doorklinken.
Avnery werd in 1923 geboren in Duitsland (93 jaar still alive and kicking).
De familie had zich volkomen vereenzelvigd met de Duitse cultuur.
Kort na de opkomst van de Nazi's in het begin van de dertiger jaren en de ontkenning van hun Duits zijn besloten zijn ouders Duitsland te verlaten en naar Palestina te emigreren.
In 1938 werd Uri lid van de Irgun, een terroristische organisatie, die vocht tegen de "Britse koloniale bezetting". Na drie jaar verliet hij teleurgesteld de groep vanwege hun anti-Arabische mentaliteit.
Zijn enige broer, commando in het Britse leger, verloor zijn leven tijdens de Ethiopië campagne.
Door de armoede van zijn familie was Uri gedwongen op 14 jarige leeftijd de school te verlaten en aan het werk te gaan. In de veertiger jaren begon hij te publiceren en legde de nadruk op samenwerking met de Arabische gemeenschap. Na de onafhankelijkheidsverklaring en de daar op volgende oorlog stond overleven centraal en maakte hij deel uit van een commando eenheid. Zijn dagelijkse ervaringen verschenen in de krant Haaretz en in boekvorm. In 1950 kocht hij zelf een slecht lopende krant Haolam Hazeh (New Force Movement). Veertig jaar lang oogstte de krant veel bewondering en haat. Haat vanwege zijn niet aflatende oppositie tegen de nationalistisch, theocratische standpunten van Ben-Gurion en andere regeringsleiders. Hij werd de luis in de pels van Ben-Gurion genoemd. Het hoofd van de Geheime Dienst deelde later mede dat Ben-Gurion hem als "Public Enemy Number 1"beschouwde. De krant vocht voor de scheiding van religie en de staat, rechten voor de Arabische minderheid en voor een geschreven constitutie en nog veel andere democratisch items. De onzalige Lavon affaire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair en andere onverkwikkelijke zaken werden door hun onderzoeksjournalistiek aan het licht gebracht. Het kantoor van de krant was het mikpunt van verschillende aanslagen. Na de verslaglegging van de beruchte Kibieh Slachtpartij (1953) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qibya_massacre werd Avnery in een hinderlaag gelokt en werden beide handen gebroken. In 1972 werd het kantoor in de brand gestoken. Aan een moordaanslag in 1972 ontkwam hij ternauwernood. De nieuwe opgerichte partij van Uri had dezelfde naam als die van de krant. Haolam Hazeh kreeg twee zetels in de Knesset. ![]() Na de zesdaagse oorlog in 1967 pleitte hij voor een eigen staat voor de Palestijnen. Sinds die tijd zocht hij contact met hooggeplaatste PLO functionarissen, aanvankelijk in het geheim later met steun van o.a. premier Yitzhak Rabin. Een nieuwe partij bestaande uit een aantal vredesgroeperingen deed hem besluiten plaats te maken voor een Arabische collega. De slechte financiële positie van de krant dwong hem tot verkoop, waarna de krant snel ten onderging. In 1982 tijdens de slag om Beirut had hij contact met de "vijand" Yassar Arafat, die hij later vele malen ontmoette. In de Oslo overeenkomst in 92 dacht hij oplossing te zien voor de voortduring van het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict. De prikkel tot de oprichting van de vredesbeweging Gush-Shalom kwam toen op geen enkele wijze de Oslo initiatieven werden waargemaakt. Gush-Shalom propageerde de Tweestaten-oplossing, het vrijlaten van alle Palestijnse gevangenen, het ontmantelen van de nederzettingen en de erkenning van Jeruzalem als de hoofdstad voor zowel de Israëliërs als de Palestijnen. ![]() De stad Osnabrück verleende in1995 aan Avnery de "Erich Maria Remarque Peace Price". Sinds die tijd ontving hij eveneens Aachen Peace Price, de Kreisky Price for Human Rights (Oostenrijk) en de Saksische Staat Prijs voor zijn uitzonderlijke prestaties als publicist. In 2001 kreeg het echtpaar de Right Livelihood Award ook wel de Alternatieve Nobelprijs voor de Vrede genoemd. Zij overleed in 2011 De Settler activist Baruch Marzel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Marzel probeerde in 2006 de IDF (Israel Defense Force) te bewegen tot een "Targeted Killing" van Avnery. |
A DEEP sigh of relief, coming straight from the heart.
When I was 10 years old, my family fled from Nazi Germany. We were
fearful that the Gestapo was after us. When we approached the French border,
our fear was acute. Then our train crossed the bridge that separated Germany
from France, and we heaved a deep sigh of relief.
It was almost the same sigh. France has again sent a message of freedom.
Emmanuel Macron (Emmanuel is a Hebrew name, meaning "God is with
us") has won the first round, and there is a strong possibility that he
will win the second round, too.
This is not just a French affair. It concerns all mankind.
FIRST OF all, it has broken a spell.
After the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump, there arose the
myth that a dark, ultra right-wing, fascist or near-fascist wave is bound to
submerge the democratic world.
It's a decree of fate. Force majeure.
First Marine Le Pen. Then that obnoxious Dutchman. Then Eastern European
rightists. They will crush democracy everywhere. Nothing to be done about it.
And here comes somebody that nobody has ever heard of, and breaks the
spell. He has shown that decent people can come together and change the
course of history.
That is a message significant not just for France, but for everybody.
Even for us in Israel.
IT IS not yet finished. The second round is still before us.
Looking at the map of the first round, the picture is disturbing enough.
Le Pen has conquered a large part of France, the north and almost all the
east. The disaster may still be looming.
Facing this possibility, almost all the other candidates have thrown
their weight behind Macron. It is the decent thing to do. Especially noble
for competing candidates, who cannot be expected to like him.
The one exception is the far-left candidate, Jean-Luc Melenchon, who was
supported by the Communists. For him, Le Pen and Macron are the same. For
people with a memory for history, this sounds ominous.
In 1933, the German Communists attacked the Socialists more than they
attacked Hitler. In some large strikes, the communist "Red Front"
even cooperated with Hitler's storm-troopers. Their theory was that both
Hitler and the Socialists were capitalist stooges. Also, they were sure that
the ridiculous Hitler would disappear after some months in power, freeing the
way for the World Revolution.
They had ample time to repent their folly, when they sat together with
the socialists in the Nazi concentration camps.
The French communists of that time learned the lesson. Three years later
they formed a united front with the French socialists, and the Jewish
socialist Leon Blum was elected Prime Minister.
By now, this lesson seems to have been forgotten.
However, at this moment, the victory of Macron seems fairly assured.
Inshallah, as our Arab friends say.
THE MOST interesting aspect of the French election, like the American one
and even the British referendum, is the end of the parties.
For centuries, political parties have dominated the public arena. The
political party was the essential component of political life. Likeminded
people set up a political association, published a program, elected a leader
and took part in elections.
Alas, no more....Television has changed all this.
TV is a very powerful, but also very limited, medium. It shows people.
Actually, it shows mostly heads. It is most effective when it shows a head
talking to the viewer.
TV does not show parties. It can talk about parties, but not really show
It is even worse at presenting party programs. Somebody can read them out
on television, but that is boring. Few viewers really listen to them.
The practical upshot is that in modern politics, the leader becomes more
and more important, and the party and its program less and less. I am not
saying anything new, all this has been said many times before. But this year
the process dominated the results.
The Brexit result crossed party lines. The Labor party, a powerful
presence for generations, seems to be breaking up.
Donald Trump officially represented the Republican Party, but did he?
Seems the party loathes him, his hold on it is in practice a hostile
takeover. It was Trump that was elected, not the party or a non-existent
These were extraordinary events. But the French elections took place in
an ordinary, traditional framework. The result was that all traditional
parties were destroyed, that all programs were blown away by the wind. What
emerged was a person, practically without a party and without a program, with
almost no political experience. He looks good on TV, he sounds good on TV, he
was a good receptacle for votes that were primarily cast to stop the
That is a lesson not only for France, but for all democratic countries.
IT IS a lesson for Israel, too. A very important one.
We have already seen the beginning of this process. We now have a number
of non-parties, with non-programs, which have gained a firm foothold in the
For example, the party of the present Minister of Defense, Avigdor
Lieberman. An immigrant from Moldova, he set up a "party" which
appealed to immigrants from the Soviet Union. A party without internal
elections, where all candidates are chosen by the leader and changed at (his)
whim, without a real program, only a strong fascistic whiff. He is his sole
spokesman on TV. He started with a strong anti-religious message, aimed at
"Russian" voters, but is slowly turning around. No one among his
people dares to raise questions.
Much the same situation prevails in the "party" of Ya'ir Lapid.
The son of a TV personality with near-fascist views, he is a good-looking, smooth-talking
fellow, totally devoid of ideas, who is now beating Netanyahu in the polls.
No program, just a party that is his personal instrument. He alone appoints
all candidates. He alone appears on TV. He, too, started as anti-religious
and is turning around. (You cannot attain power in Israel without the
religious parties, unless you are ready – God forbid – to cooperate with the
Arab parties.)
Moshe Kahlon, a former Likudnik of North African descent, has lately set
up a personal outfit, no real party, no real program. He, too, appoints all
candidates on his list. He is now Minister of Finance.
The Labor party, which was once an all-powerful force that dominated the
political scene for 44 consecutive years - before the state was born and
after – is now a pitiful ruin, much like its French counterpart. Its leader,
Yitzhak Herzog, is interchangeable with Francois Hollande.
And then there is the supreme master of TV, Binyamin Netanyahu,
intellectually hollow, with ever changing hair-color, for and against the
two-state solution, for and against everything else.
WHAT CAN we learn from the French?
Not to despair, when it looks as though we are on the way to disaster. To
escape from fatalism and into optimism. Optimism and action.
Out of nowhere a new person can appear. On the ruins of the established
parties, a new political force can arise, discarding the old language of left
and right, speaking a new language of peace and social justice.
Hey you, out there! What are you waiting for? The country is waiting for